Livio Welcomes Interior Designer Kipp Westling to Its Design Studio Team
Kipp Westling Adding A Fresh & Personal Perspective to Livio Designs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LACOMBE, LA, FEBRUARY 2024 – Livio is thrilled to announce the addition of Kipp Westling to their design team. Kipp brings a decade of experience in creating high-end, luxury spaces to the design team and is set to bring a fresh […]
New Orleans Magazine: Lauren Yarbrough 2022
Lauren Yarbrough Creating Kitchens in Your Own Backyard Outdoor kitchens come in as many options and looks as indoor kitchens. And if a picture is worth a thousand words when figuring out what your preferences are, the designers at the newly opened Livio Designs in Lacombe — an all-in-one destination showroom specializing in everything from […]
Inside Northside: Women in Business 2022
WOMEN IN BUsINESS LIVIO DESIGNS Behind the hand-forged wrought iron gates of the Livio Designs showroom, you’ll find more than just exclusive furniture collections and luxury kitchen accessories. You’ll find a fully stocked wine room that showcases beautifully crafted racking systems. You’ll find imported pizza ovens alongside locally made oyster beds. And you’ll find an […]